I have two cd-rom's installed. one is a RO cd-rom and the other is a RW cd-rom. They are both recognized by the BIOS at startup as "Secondary Master: Memorex 48MAXX 1248AJ VWS4" and "Secondary Slave CDU5211 YYS7". The Master is seen as "/cdrecorder --> /dev/sr0" and the Slave as "/cdrom --> /dev/hdd" in "/dev". When I put a bootable cd in the RW cd-rom and restart the computer it displays the message "Boot from ATAPI CD-ROM" and goes on to start loading the SuSE OS instead of reading the cd-rom. I change the cd from the RW to the RO cd-rom with the same results. Any suggestions on how to overcome this problem will be greatly appriciated. TIA Clayton Stapleton