On Tue, 2002-10-22 at 22:45, Michael Havens wrote: > I am like so depressed! I updated everything with 'up2date' and it froze while > it was unpacking everything. Now I can't find the programs that were being > upacked so I can do it now. I thought it might be in the lost & found folder > but I don't know how to access that folder. Can anyonme tell me what I need > to do to get in that folder (and the other locked one). And if I don't need > to get in there also tell me what I can do to install these files. Should I > run up2date again? > -- ---------- relax - they are already downloaded. rather than tell you where they are - are you sure that the machine locked up or is it possible that you panicked too quickly? anyway...before you try anything try... rm -fr /var/lib/rpm/__* then try up2date -u the packages are already downloaded so it won't take that long Craig