On Sat, 2002-10-12 at 23:43, cliff rogers wrote: > Thanks Ted, I don't know what the setup is supposed to be on eth0. The only > thing I have seen that is strange to me is that they both use the same > driver. They are identical NIC's so I don't know if this creates a problem > or not. Anyway I'll keep PLUGging along until I figure it > out.............pun intended hehehe C-ya later, Cliff ---- I have had problems with identical nic's in adjacent slots myself. I would suggest that you try shutting down...removing one of the NIC's and restarting. Kudzu (if it's installed and run at startup) should detect hardware change. Otherwise - check /etc/modules.conf and see if there are aliases for eth0 & eth1 also check /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 and /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1 to see if they are properly set up...i.e. DEVICE='eth0' BOOTPROTO='none' #DHCP would be appropriate if dynamically assigned BROADCAST='' #bdcasst address for subnet mask/fixed ip address IPADDR='' #whatever fixed ip address you want here NETMASK='' #subnet mask NETWORK='' #network for subnet mask/fixed ip address ONBOOT='yes' #this is obviously important if ONBOOT is set to NO - change it to yes. Anytime you make changes to these files, you can 'ifdown eth0' and then 'ifup eth0' and /etc/rc.d/init.d/network restart (or service network restart) to activate changes. Craig