On Wed, 2002-10-09 at 13:46, Michael Knee wrote: > Are RedHat's servers always this swamped??? > > It's been more than a week since RH8.0 was released. I made 5 or 6 attempts > to download, so far the farthest I got was 32MB of the first file before the > connection dropped, the best speed was 3.8 kB/s. This over a Cox cable > modem connection that tests at 187 kB/s. > > Is it just a matter of waiting till the release 8.0 rush is over, or is it > always like this? ----- Redhat's servers are notoriously slow - obviously they have throttled their system back for anonymous logins and give priority to approved logins / rsync to mirrors etc. The mirrors however are distributing more than just redhat so to assume that RH 8 is the sole cause for this is probably a bit flattering to RH but not entirely true. I was able to get very nice bandwidth from ftp://redhat.newaol.com and downloaded the 5 disc's in less than 40 minutes per disc. They all verified MD5SUM perfectly. I forgot the xfer speed but it seems to me that it was much faster than 187KBps (Sprint BBd). The problem that I had was burning them to CD - I thought that there was a problem with my setup on RH 7.3 because every burn failed. Xferred the files to my Mac (5 discs were 3.2G so it took a bit) and burning failed there too. Turned out that my discs graded poorly and I stole 3 disc's from my daughter and they burned perfectly (the ones that went to George Gambill and apparently will find their way to Hans). Have to be more careful what I buy I guess (I think I bought these at Price Club - grade at B- according to cdrecord) - perhaps I should buy some of the cheapo's at Fry's ;-) Craig