On Wed, 11 Sep 2002, Robert Bushman wrote: > How about a "random file" of 5 MB? > > (yes I know this is some ugly Perl) > > #!/usr/bin/perl > > @dirs = `find ~/* -type d`; > > my $dir = $dirs[ rand( @dirs ) ]; > chomp $dir; > > my $numChars = int( rand( 12 ) ) + 1; > my $extChars = int( rand( 12 ) ) + 1; > > my $file = ""; > > for( 1..$numChars ) { $file .= (a..z)[ rand( 24 ) ]; } > $file .= "."; > for( 1..$extChars ) { $file .= (a..z)[ rand( 24 ) ]; } > my $file = $dir."/".$file; > > open( OUT, ">".$file ); > for( 1..5000000 ) { print OUT "."; } > close( OUT ); > print "wrote 5 million chars to $file.\n"; > > exit( 0 );