This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0023_01C257EF.3ADDA640 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable i just installed rh 7.3 this weekend and am finding my way around. of = course, i have lots of questions, but have been looking in newbie help = files and linux junior with some success. i am still fearful of putting things in command line and/or doing = anything as root. what if i mess up. i guess i am still trying to kick = the microsoft monkey off my back. i am planning on coming to the west side meeting on 9/24. can i ask = questions there? so far my experience with linux users is that they are = -not so uptight, - more info sharing types=20 what a change !=20 i have not yet installed a modem, have 2 old lucent chipsets that seem = to be supported, but if i go with fastq would i just use the 'rent a = modem' anyway? if so, i won't waste the time and learning curve trying = to see if these will set up and work. thanks betty i. obsevare porta non oportet fila domestica (no need to watch the door, with a fila in the house) visit ------=_NextPart_000_0023_01C257EF.3ADDA640 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
i just installed rh 7.3 this weekend = and am finding=20 my way around. of course, i have lots of questions, but have been = looking in=20 newbie help files and linux junior with some success.
i am still fearful of putting things in = command=20 line and/or doing anything as root. what if i mess up. i guess i am = still trying=20 to kick the microsoft monkey off my back.
i am planning on coming to the west = side meeting on=20 9/24. can i ask questions there? so far my experience with linux users = is that=20 they are -not so uptight, - more info sharing types
what a change !
i have not yet installed a modem, have = 2 old lucent=20 chipsets that seem to be supported, but if i go with fastq would i just = use the=20 'rent a modem' anyway? if so, i won't waste the time and learning curve = trying=20 to see if these will set up and work.
betty i.
obsevare porta non oportet  fila=20 domestica
(no need to watch the door, with a fila in the = house)