Hello all: I've put the most recent stable version of Debian on a Winbook XL notebook - an oldie, 300 MHz, but good for experimentation. It's got a Yamaha OPL3SA sound system and I have yet to make it work, after reading several how-to's. One problem may be that I'm not sure how to restart the original script that it ran at install time; I didn't know what the IRQ's and such were at the time, so I just guessed. This is what I know: 1. I must have sound support in the kernel because "cat /dev/sndstat" works though it doesn't report any sound cards being installed. 2. I load some of the basic modules like "sound", and then "ad1848", "mpu401" and "uart401" (because if I don't load them, the "sb" and "opl3sa" modules say they have unresolved references to these.) These load OK. 3. I try loading "sb" and "opl3sa"; both report that "devices or resources are busy." The hint says my irq/address settings may be wrong, but I'm using the defaults from the device install disk for Windows (which I downloaded from the Winbook web site.) 4. I can't run the DOS configuration utility (SETUPSA) that came with the Windows disk. I can boot the machine in DOS, but the setup program won't run, it gives three identical error messages that say "No file." My guess is that it probably expects something to be on the C drive, and it's probably looking for files on there, but there IS no C drive because I wiped the windows partition. BTW, I looked for the relevant INI file (opl3sa.ini) in my Ghost backup of the old windows 98 partition, but it doesn't appear to be there. I suppose they didn't save it after the original Win98 install. Any suggestions? Maybe if I can figure out how to rerun the original config script, I'll be OK. Hopefully I'm just missing one or more modules, loading them in the wrong order, or something like that. Or maybe there's some way I can trick SETUPSA into working for me. Thanks! Vaughn Treude Nakota Software, Inc. P.S. I'm trying to set up the sound system so I can use this as a test platform for running Windows games via WINE.