One of my machines at home (my file server) is a pure linux installation on a PentPro 200 with 64ram. Same problem with the Bios, hda is a 2gig drive that came with the system. hdb is a IBM120gb drive I picked up at frys. Set the BIOS to none, boot from the 2gigger and I am in business. The only difference it sounds like in our setups is that my kernel et al. resides on a "BIOS visible" physical disk, and the 120gb is mounted "/storage". Linux (RH7.2/2.4.7-10stock) is handling the drive great, and everyone is the house has a place to store their crap. This setup has been working great ever since I discovered Linux could handle drives that big on its own (maybe 6-8months) and I haven't had any issues at all, that I can remember. Now I just wish I had gig-E for my network, so I could stream the divx files instead of DLing them. =) Kyle Faber EMR Data Services Pro-Linux Phx ISP On Monday 26 August 2002 08:31 am, Nathan England wrote: > Over the weekend my best friend bought a 60gb hdd and we installed it in > his computer. His bios was too old to see the drive, and it wouldn't allow > us to flash it, so we were limited in what we could do. > > We ended up with a 4gb drive as hda and put the 60 as hdc. He might need > windows in the future, so we put windows on the 4 gb, then setup loadlin to > boot to the 60gb with suse 8.0. > > We set the 60 gb to in his bios os it wouldn't see it. Which caused > some minor nightmares at first, but after we got loadlin setup and a dos > batch file that acts like a lilo menu it all is working greatly. > > Has anyone else hidden a drive like this and successfully used it? Did you > have any problems that you relate to hiding the drive like that? > > nathan