The presentation for our meeting this month will be about "PHP vs. ASP". This is going to be approached from the standpoint of the issues faced when converting and of the respective merits of each. I know many of you are probably saying that you don't plan on using ASP for anything or already know how to do such a converstion so you aren't interested in coming. Please come anyway. I see a major portion of this meeting being an opportunity to learn the other camp just enough to be effective in luring people away from it and into ours. For the PLUG members who have been discussing advocacy recently including the dialog with Mericopa County I really encourage you to come. More knowlege is always better and we plan to make this a useful meeting for all. I also have more books to give away... (I know you are all interested in getting new books). This meeting will also be an opportunity to voice opinions on upcoming meeting topics. So if you are interested in something come and ask for it to be discussed. The meeting will be held this coming tuesday, august 27th at 7:00 at Mesa Community College (MCC) in the Kirk Center downstairs in one of the confrence rooms. (Just like normal) If you have further questions either ask or look at our website Eric