Hello, Finally, I managed to convince our management to get a Linux based test system to test our products(Pacemakers, De-Fibrillators.....) . Now I have to decide on RedHat, SuSE or any other and get it approved by FDA. I know, it's going to be a long time(6 months to an year). Documentation itself is going to take atleast 3 months. But, I guess it is better late than never. Now to the question -- Have any of you implemented the systems like this(testing medical electronic equipments or electronic equipments in general). We will be using LabVIEW(from National Instruments) to develop the applications. I need your anecdotal experiences and others, if you have come across similar situations. And what do you think as the good company to go with. I have good exposure to RedHat, decent exposure to SuSE and played around with others. Any pointers welcome. Thanks, Sundar