> we've been very busy at LWE. This thing is pretty huge. I'm told by those > who've been hitting LWE for years that it's better attended than last year > and about the same as LWE in New York. I can vouch for that having been at all the aforementioned events. This year rocked. :) > I'm at the GNUe booth with Derek. Lots of people coming by. It's pretty cool > to see all this interest. Many a cool things have happened for GNUe, but the real news is that der.Hans has been improperly named. I have found out it is really der.Snore, but somehow over time he convinced some sleep depraved souls that it was really der.Hans. (have to give him crap and all, just dont ask him about my m4d driving skillz, because if he tells you I stole a fire truck and jumped over a building, he is lying) > Tom, Dave and Scott have stopped by. It was cool to see a presence from Arizona. > Lots of contacts and possibly some support for IFs and other events. Support > for AZOTO. Definitely cool stuff, hopefully der.Snore will expand on them. > I won't be able to catch up with the mailing list until next week. Getting buried in mail sux, I know, Im unburying myself now. -Derek