My daughter just sent us a little video clip from their digital camera. I can't find any way to play it. It is in .AVI format and needs an MJPG codec. I may have to download a shareware codec to view this movie. I looked around in Red Hat 7.3 and tried two video players. One has no "File"-type menu as far as I can determine; and the other does nothing when I select the .AVI file in question. Since I'm not into multimedia, the learning curve is a killer. In the Win98 world, WMP said it was downloading but then did not show me any video. Real Player said no plugin was available. My daughter said it worked on both for her -- I'm guessing that she did some sort of install from a CD that came with the camera and got the codec on her PC that way. I do have a software firewall installed on Windows, but I poked holes for Windows Media Player and Real Player for the duration of my experiments. Ideas? Vic