Evan Brown has an idea. He hasn't explained it to anyone, and hasn't put it in any tangible form yet. But Alcatel believes it is in his head, and they want it extracted. http://makeashorterlink.com/?K59123581 "Brown was obligated to disclose the solution to Alcatel and only to Alcatel. In addition, Brown was ordered to pay Alcatel's legal fees, which exceed $330,000." Brown's legal fees? He representated himself, since it was an open and shut case in his favor. Fool. Doesn't he realize that the law isn't about such idealist notions as "right" and "wrong"? It's about who feeds the most money back into the system created by the lawyers in Washington and the state capitals. ----------------------------------------------------------- "These security related updates may disable your ability to copy and/or play Secure Content and use other software on your computer." - MS Media Player EULA -----------------------------------------------------------