I have posted information about the plug schema I cooked up to help automate future event notification. It has a guide for people who manage events scheduling for "plug type" events so that they can use the xml to have an upcoming version of the plug website automatically retrieve event info and post it into a php based calendar. The schema and code are in alpha but please take a look. I will incorporate changes as need dictates. There are a few typos in the guide that I will fix in the next revision. I wrote the guide so anyone should be able to figure it out, if your are anyone and can't please let me know. The guide assumes a little bit of xml knowledge but that's all. If I can get this rolling it would solve the huge pet peeve I have about checking thirty web pages and trying to put date (that sometimes change) into my little pda. I suspect many other people feel the same way. PS Is there any form of grammar checking add-on for OpenOffice (don't say star office)? Also php code will be available as soon as the plug site switches over to its new digs, courtesy of unity wave I believe. Sincerely, David Uhlman CTO 50km Inc. office(877-571-7679) mobile(602-770-9551) fax(509-752-3882) email: duhlman_mail@50km.com