Pine is a very nice interface, and will probably remain my standard client for the forseeable future. Still, there are times on a foreign machine when I don't feel like DL'ing Putty, and just want to quickly check my inbox. If you run your own server, SquirrelMail with UW-IMAPD enables Pine, POP, IMAP and WebMail all from one machine. And it's as easy as 1-2-3: 1. apt-get install apache-ssl 2. apt-get install uw-imapd 3. apt-get install squirrelmail (well, not quite that easy - imapd isn't SSL'd yet, but everything else is working like a dream) -------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Microsoft also warned today that the era of "open computing," the free exchange of digital information that has defined the personal computer industry, is ending.' Will Microsoft permit you to use your mission critical data when you need it? Linux will, and you have the source to prove it. --------------------------------------------------------------------