I have gotten us a room for the 1st wed of each month starting on schedule for Sep. 4th as the first meeting. I would be very interested in seeing if You and I and a few other people could get together and hammer out exactly what we will taught and when. As for PHP/Perl/Python classes. I don't think those will necessarly be in the newbie classes that are hosted at sequoia. Because they aren't eactly newbie things and they aren't at all specific to Linux. The classes that I imagine would be geared to getting people up and running smoothly teaching them the basics and getting them comfortable useing linux as a desktop system. Maybe touching on some extremely basic admin stuff, letting them know about more advanced topics, but not teaching them. Once they are up and running we would point them towards the PLUG group, PHP group or whereever for more advanced topics. Brian Cluff On Mon, 2002-08-05 at 16:13, Michelle Lowman wrote: > BTW, what is the status of the intro classes? I am still willing to teach > the "newbiest" newbie classes, including Linux desktop/office apps, and I > would like to sit in on some intro PHP/Perl/Python classes. Where are we > with these? > > -Michelle