Am 05. Aug, 2002 schwätzte William Lindley so: > Cygwin is a wonderful thing for those of us who have to have W* boxes > around to support customers. Cygwin means we can make those boxes act > like something decent. It's also a great way of showing the power of > The Unix Way, a toe-dip in the sea as it were. If it goes in easy and has a small footprint I'm up for it. > Yes to Cygwin, yes to anything that will get folks addicted to Free > Software!!! Exactly. We need to limit our resources, however, to those projects that we think will get us return or to things where we have a couple of die-hards willing to push it :). ciao, der.hans -- # # Two roads diverged in a wood, and I -- # I took the one less traveled by, # And that has made all the difference. -- Robert Frost # I, OTOH, prefer to just go stomping through the desert... - der.hans