moin, moin, shell programming hints below :). Actually, here's the consensual explanation for what the code questioned below does. First, the ':' at the beginning of the line gets the line to return a true regardless of how the code does. This might be important for resetting $?, but I think that wasn't the intent. In any case the rest of the line gets evaluated. ${foo:=${foo}} That part says that if $foo doesn't exist it should be set to $foo. Pretty foolish as the command says to keep the current value if it doesn't exist, but then assign the non-existant value if it doesn't exist. There might be a need to make sure $foo exists. ${foo:=} That does the same thing, but doesn't look ( as much ) like a typo. The main consensus, though, is that this line should have been commented. Suggested comments run like the following. # blah blah depends on $foo being set. This sets $foo to null if $foo # isn't already set Maybe also explain why the ':' was tossed in the front. shell is freakingly powerful :). Comments are good. Comments explaining why something is done are excellent. Comments explaing why something obscure was done are necessary. ciao, der.hans -- # # Magic is science unexplained. - der.hans ---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Fri, 2 Aug 2002 12:36:46 -0400 (EDT) From: Adam S. Moskowitz To: SAGE Members Subject: [SAGE] Shell programming conundrum Normally, I consider myself an expert in shell programming, but this one really has me stumped . . . Consider the following excerpt of code: cmd1 . . . cmd23 : ${foo:=${foo}} # <== THIS ONE! cmd24 $foo . . . Yes, it's legal shell code. Yes, it works (for a very broad definition of "work"). We don't know the value of "foo"; I claim it doesn't matter. Here's the challenge: Tell me what purpose the line marked "THIS ONE!" serves. I claim you can delete that line and the script will produce the same exact results -- but I'd love for someone to prove me wrong. AdamM P.S. - No, I didn't write this; I found it in a script that someone else wrote that I now have to modify.