I have been looking at PostgreSQL. Having gotten used to Oracle 8.1 Postgres seems a bit puny. However, it is clearly a compentent little ORDBMS with an unbeatable Initial Cost of Ownership. Unfortunately, all the documentation seems to indicate that security is weak to the point of non-existance. To secure a Pgsql database secure the *NIX box where it lives and let no one but the Sys Admin, DBA, very trusted developers (and trusted code) have user accounts on the database. Everyone else connects through a trusted application or not at all. Most important, I can't find anyway to keep a normal user from creating tables, indexes or other objects. Furthermore, it looks like a user defaults to access to objects. Just as bad, Postgres has no extensions to SQL-92/99 security so GRANT/REVOKE must be done object by object. I write this in the hope that I am thoroughly mistaken and some kind citizen will correct my errors.