Am 01. Aug, 2002 schwätzte tickticker so: > If this was just any movie, even a good movie, I wouldn't bother getting > both. But FotR was such an excellent movie, easily equalling Star Wars > (better IMHO, sorry George you blew it) That getting both would be worth the Well, from what I've heard about the last two Star Wars movies that should've been an easy feat :). I somewhat agree, but I hate to go along with the marketing. They should put it all in one package. It looks like the 4 DVD set will have the director's cut and the 2 DVD set will have the theater release. Will the 4 DVD set have both? > extra $. Please, I just wasted $6 on "Reign of Fire" so this is nothing. Well, as I'm unemployed and not exactly making a killing cosulting... Really, though, I'm just not into movies. This will be my 5th DVD movie. My 2nd american movie on DVD. I just recently purchased Labyrinth to go with the 3 German movies I have. I have well over 1000 books, though :). Those actually get used. ciao, der.hans -- # # Schließlich verteidigt Amerika Freiheit. Und Freiheit beginnt mit dem Wort. # -- Gunter Grass