I'm starting to find some things I can't figure out how to change in Debian. I'm sure there will be more :) No Autorun X / Exit to CLI Currently, X starts immediately when I boot the machine. If I remove S99gdm from the default runlevel, it doens't. This is good, I don't want X to run automatically. Probelm is when I drop back to the CLI from X, it's not dropping the video back to text mode, so I get garbage on the screen. Mapping the Alt Key How do I map the Alt keys to send escape (or more accurately, how do I get Alt to send meta to emacs?) -------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Microsoft also warned today that the era of "open computing," the free exchange of digital information that has defined the personal computer industry, is ending.' http://www.nytimes.com/2002/07/25/technology/25NET.html Will Microsoft permit you to use your mission critical data when you need it? Linux will, and you have the source to prove it. --------------------------------------------------------------------