Quick background: some unix exper. over 10 yrs./now running Linux <1yr (RH 7.2)/new to PLUG/no hardcore Linux knowledge yet/I'm the de-facto IT guy in a new venture in which I'm involved :( I am putting together a server which I'll be running RH Linux 7.2 serving files and printers to a mongrel bunch of Win 9x/ME/NT/2K/XP laptops and workstations (Wkgrp, no domain). -- 1st issue: I've been successful setting up Samba file shares, but have had a terrible time with printers. I'm trying to set up the printers as raw (taking Win driver output and piping it unaltered to /dev/lp0). I'm successful at setting up /etc/printcap.local. I set up the Samba share and can see the printer and print a test page when browsing in WinExplorer to \\linuxbox\printerName. But when I add the printer in Win2k or XP printers folder on the client, I get "access denied" when I try to select or print to that printer. I've tried both share and user security, and definitely have the same username/passwd on both the win and Linux boxes. And the file shares do work fine.I've hunted around linux.org, unix.com and a few others and haven't been successful. Any sites or direct advice? -- 2nd issue: I'm going to use a Promise Technology RAID 0/1 card to do mirroring. Anyone have any advice or warnings that might save me some time and agony? Thanks.