> * When I ran apt-get dist-upgrade yesterday, there were no packages. The > same thing today resulted in 400+ upgraded packages to install. Obviously > the new "testing" branch has kicked in. Should I change my sources.list > file to the stable branch, or is it safe/stable to leave it pointing at > the testing branch? "testing" packages have all critical bugs fixed and have been stable a few days. I think testing just switched over to the 'sarge' (debian 3.1) packages. As a side note, Jay, you might like 'pinning' if you aren't using it already. If you have stable and testing sources in sources.list, Debian will grab the newest packages -- usually testing. Pinning will let you use stable primarily and then testing if the package doesn't exist in stable. You can also upgrade a package to testing or even unstable if you want some new fix or function. I seem to recall der.hans mentioning something like this before, but here goes.... NOTE: Pinning requires apt .5 or higher. Make an /etc/apt/preferences file Package: * Pin: release a=testing Pin-Priority: 50 (The higher the pin-priority, the more like the release is to be chosen) Make sure you have stable and testing sources in /etc/apt/sources.list. To upgrade a package to the 'testing' branch, use this apt-get command. # apt-get -t testing install packagename http://www.mail-archive.com/eug-lug@efn.org/msg10229.html http://www.debian.org/News/weekly/2002/1/mail Tony