> The point, for me, wasn't to go to debian, but rather to test the upgrade to > Xandros from the dist Xandros is built on. I dont know why you advocate Xandros over Debian. They are no better than other greedy get rich Linux investments. They are run by Linux Global Partners. A little history would show you that LGP has screwed many a folk in the Free Software Community. They were the first round funding for Ximian\Helixcode who got fed up and left for Battery Ventures to buy LGP out. They succeeded in SQUISHING the living hell out of GNUmatic (the company that did GNUCash). I believe they did some damage and had lawsuits from a either Codeweavers and/or a company that did custom X servers (metrolink). Further research shows it was metrolink: http://slashdot.org/articles/01/04/29/2035203.shtml is the metrolink deal, GNUCash didnt fight them publicly but got much the same treatment. Though in those comments Bruce Perens of OSI fame mentions and validates they were broke and screwing all their portfolios (except those doing windows work) http://slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=11945&cid=257600 I dont see how its good to support companies built on venture capital from firms that have brought destruction to our community in the past. Especially when there are what appears to be upstanding companies that are offering similar products. Specifically Red Hat and Mandrake (while i dont care for them, are certainly viable) are much more deserving I think of getting money. :) Minor rant. Take with grain of salt. -Derek P.S. Dont get me wrong I would love to see either the Debian project or some company (similar to Progeny) provide something like what Xandros is doing, only backed by someone with integrity. ;)