Since there has been discussion about converting businesses/users/government, I was wondering if we have come up with a strategy - something that could be attacked in smaller chunks with definable goals. The advantages of this are it would allow us all to see what we want to do, and to some extent, how we plan to do it. It would also offer new members a chance to see where they can jump in and contribute. It would also allow for the resources to be maximized. >From what I've gathered since joining way back on Tuesday is that there are three main thrusts that PLUG is engaging in - Government change, Business change, and User change. However, I don't think any of these amorphous goals have been defined. Certainly, they aren't on the PLUG web page. For example, let's take Userland. Let's set a goal - I think someone recently stated a goal of 10% Linux use in Phoenix. Sounds reasonable, and is definitely definable. But how do we get there? I've seen no definable PLUG strategy beyond that. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- So, some defineable and measurable steps to convert people to linux could look like the following: 1) Get people familiar with the concepts of free/open software and why they benefit from using such products. (I admit, this is vague, but for now, it'll have to do.) 2) Install Open Source programs on peoples conputers using their current OS. - This is more definable, and can clearly have attainable goals and tasks, such as: A) Installfests aren't solely OS installfests. i) Screen users to see if they want to try Open Source programs on a new OS or their native box. B) Install Moz/OpenOffice/GIMP/etc on Win* boxes. This provides people an easier pathway to migration, as the most common tools they will use on their current OS will also be on Linux. It allows them to become comfortable with a portion of their new OS. C) Distribute CDs with Open Source products in directories for Windows/Mac 3) Install Linux on boxes during install fests. A) Screen users prior to installing to minimize bad outcomes. B) Educate users on the basics of their box and new OS. C) Give them reliable resources for future problems. 4) Rinse, Lather, Repeat. 5) Drink Beer when 10% of Phoenix uses Linux 6) .. 7) PROFIT! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I'd be willing to help work on this project if there is enough interest. -- RJV -- ..ooOO -- Institution of Postgraduate Education - Graduation 2001 -- Institution of Undergraduate Education - Alumnus 1997 The opinions expressed in any email originating from this account are the sole opinions of the author. They do not reflect the opinions or policies of any institution or individuals other than myself.