up2date is free for one machine per login. More than that or to get preferential treatment when bandwidth is tight means you pay. I've got one login for a server at work and a second one for the laptop I was assigned. So, I don't pay. I could add a third for my personal laptop, but haven't done that yet. > > > What is the difference between 7.2 and 7.3? Will > > > "up2date" update my 7.2 to 7.3? > > > > 7.3 includes KDE 3.0, which you'll probably want. I haven't used up2date > > so I can't comment. > > I don't think up2date is a free service/product. Either way, I haven't > used it since a long time ago. I have had decent luck using Ximian's > Red-Carpet. If you install the Ximian Gnome desktop or just the base > package with evolution (a decent email client) you will get Red-Carpet. > And you can keep your red hat distro up to date along with the ximian > packages and open office ... there are several other things you can keep > updated with. It seems to work pretty well.