I'm doing this to document for myself and anyone else interested the trials and tribulations of replacing windows desktops with linux. The owner of the company, who is a real unix/linux command line guru sat down at my desk today. The whole business, except for the desktops runs on either SCO or RedHat. He has never used a linux GUI before. The first thing he wanted to do was try to break the system, but since I wouldn't give him the root password, there was little he could do. Oddly on the server side we are running SCO unix and various redhat versions to operate several ecommerce websites, our phone system, email a fax server amoung other things, but he doesn't quite trust linux on the desktop. I think he was impressed with my KDE 3.0 though. Regarding my linux terminal server expieriments, I was given an old derelict pc, which I was not able to get to work as a terminal. This was more of a problem with the PC though, bad mother board I believe. It would only POST if I jiggled it just right. I then took a 2 year old emachine 566 celeron, disabled the harddrive and created a boot floppy from http://www.rom-o-matic.net/ spalled it in and it booted and ran fine. No big mystry though as the emachine was known to work with linux. Normalyy it dual boots between win98 and redhat 7.2 Today I get to take a p233 with 32megs of ram home to experiment on. Thats it for now. Charlie