This is a multi-part message in MIME format. ------=_NextPart_000_0009_01C21D0C.61B65EB0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable Is it my imagination or does it seem that the worst products always = costs more. ie. If you want Windows XP you plan on paying $179. for = the home version and more for the professional version. Again with = RedHat you have a $79.95 personal or workstation edition and comes with = 3 cd's. Get the professional version for around $199.00 and i'm not = sure how many cd's come with it. Is RedHat trying to compete with = Microsoft on who can supply the most expensive product? Before anyone goes off saying well you can just download the distro and = don't have to pay those prices. I am thinking of the newbies. I would = never hand a newbie 3 cd's and say here ya go. I would like to have the = documentation to go with it. Of course Redhat and Windows both give you = wafer thin manuals. SuSE and Mandrake give you good size manuals with = plenty of information packed in them. Also SuSE Professional is only = $79.95 and comes with 7 cd's and one DVD. The DVD had everything all 7 = cd's have and you don't have to do any disk swaps. I have worked with Redhat, Mandrake, and SuSE and it seems that Redhat = lags far behind the competitors. Try to install Redhat on a seperate = hard disk with Windows XP on the first hard disk in NTFS format, Redhat = won't even make an entry for Windows XP in lilo. I can imagine the = panic attack a newbies face after the redhat install and the only option = is Redhat. LOL That is of course if you can get Redhat to install in = the first place. It don't like being on a second drive or on a partiton = with windows that's any larger than 8 gigs. SuSE has always installed on any drive no matter what the size or what = drive since version 7.1 and earlier maybe. This is a serious issue that = Redhat needs to address. I dunno, I just don't see how the cost of Redhat boxed distro's is = justified. Maybe i'm missing the point? Is there anyone out there that = can show me the point? ------=_NextPart_000_0009_01C21D0C.61B65EB0 Content-Type: text/html; charset="iso-8859-1" Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
Is it my imagination or does it seem = that the worst=20 products always costs more.  ie.  If you want Windows XP you = plan on=20 paying $179. for the home version and more for the professional = version. =20 Again with RedHat you have a $79.95 personal or workstation edition and = comes=20 with 3 cd's.  Get the professional version for around $199.00 and = i'm not=20 sure how many cd's come with it.  Is RedHat trying to compete with=20 Microsoft on who can supply the most expensive product?
Before anyone goes off saying well you = can just=20 download the distro and don't have to pay those prices.  I am = thinking of=20 the newbies.  I would never hand a newbie 3 cd's and say here ya = go. =20 I would like to have the documentation to go with it.  Of course = Redhat and=20 Windows both give you wafer thin manuals.  SuSE and Mandrake give = you good=20 size manuals with plenty of information packed in them.  Also SuSE=20 Professional is only $79.95 and comes with 7 cd's and one DVD.  The = DVD had=20 everything all 7 cd's have and you don't have to do any disk = swaps.
I have worked with Redhat, Mandrake, = and SuSE and=20 it seems that Redhat lags far behind the competitors.  Try to = install=20 Redhat on a seperate hard disk with Windows XP on the first hard disk in = NTFS=20 format,  Redhat won't even make an entry for Windows XP in = lilo.  I=20 can imagine the panic attack a newbies face after the redhat install and = the=20 only option is Redhat.  LOL  That is of course if you can get = Redhat=20 to install in the first place. It don't like being on a second drive or = on a=20 partiton with windows that's any larger than 8 gigs.
SuSE has always installed on any drive = no matter=20 what the size or what drive since version 7.1 = and earlier maybe. =20 This is a serious issue that Redhat needs to address.
I dunno,  I just don't see how the = cost of=20 Redhat boxed distro's is justified.  Maybe i'm missing the = point?  Is=20 there anyone out there that can show me the point?