My boss came in to ask me for some info from our site and I happened to have a SQL interface up in my window. He'd never seen Window-shade mode before (and we both tend to work with a lot of windows "open"), much less Linux on a desktop, so when he asked if I could set up his computer to do that, I told him to let me convert more of my work to be done on my Linux system before I dove into teaching him a new OS. He said he really didn't want to learn anything new. He works with a lot of spreadsheets, so I explained the biggest difference would be that OpenOffice tends to use semi-colons where Excel uses commas in formulas. Turns out he doesn't even use functions for most of what he does. He just sends a bunch of figures out to the head office and lets them do all the crunching. I figure with a few more lockups in Excel, or IE freezes, or another large batch of infected email warnings comes in (thankfully the hosts keep the scanner up-to-date), and we've got a ready and eager convert on our hands. (Now if I could just find myself an MS SQL Enterprise Manager that runs on Linux. Maybe with wine...)