I can vouch for Wine-X. It's money well spent. I have Diablo II and Jedi Knight II working flawlessly under it. Those are really the only windows-based games I play - and now I don't need windows. As for linux-port games, get on eBay. You can find most of the loki titles (simcity3k, heroes3, myth2, etc) for $9 - $20. I own Quake3, Solider Of Fortune, Descent3, Heavy Metal, Myth2 and Heroes 3. All of them run great on an Athlon 800 w/GeForce256 or better in my case. Now I just need time to play them... On Tue, 18 Jun 2002, slr wrote: > one other thing, check out transgaming's Wine-X project. they have been able > to run many of the current gaming titles, but from what i have read on the > benchmarking the performance is very poor compared to the Native Linux games > or its Windoze counterpart.