Actually the slashdot effect has been fairly mild on the servers. I'm guessing that the reason other people "feel" it so much is they have a rather server intense page to begin with, either via massive database hits, or with a ton of little images all over the page (thumbnails)...etc etc For the most part, the little plug mailing list server is serving up a text only page that is for the most part static. Even then we only seem to be taking about 1 hit a second. I would think that a 386 could dish that out off a floppy with no problems. Brian Cluff Team Snaptek On Mon, 2002-06-17 at 10:59, Joel Dudley wrote: > Can the servers withstand the slashdot effect? batten down the zombie > processes, release the squid cache! Man I'm a dork. > > Joel Dudley > Faculty Research Associate > Arizona State University > Kumar Laboratory of Evolutionary Functional Genomics >