Ben Chaco approached me last night at the PLUG meeting with a question about installing a program from source code. I figured that there are other people on this list that may benefit from this explanation as well, so here's a very basic intro: somefile.tar <-- this is a "tar" file which is basically just a bunch of files packed into one. somefile.tar.gz <-- this is a "gzipped" tar file which is a tar file that has been compressed using the gzip program (tar also has the ability to compress and uncompress files). So usually when you get a file like this, it's source code, which means you'll have to compile the program yourself before you can use it. Compiling programs usually "just works" on Linux, but last night we ran into a problem with a missing library, so the program didn't compile comletely. OK, so here are the most common tar commands for dealing with the above file types: tar zxf somefile.tar.gz <-- the "z" option tells tar to uncompress it since we're also using it with the "x" option which tells it to extract the contents of the tar file, and then should create a directory containing all of the files that were originally packed together. If you want to see a display of the files as they're untarred, you can add the "v" option. The "f" option must be the last option because the name following the "f" specifies the file name to use. If the file is just called somefile.tar, then it's most likely not gzipped so you can leave off the "z" option. Now, let's say you want to create your own tarred and gzipped file to send to someone or for backup purposes. Just substitute a "c" (for compress) in place of the "x" (for extract), like this: tar zcf mystuff.tar.gz mystuff <-- you specify the name of the archive as "mystuff.tar.gz" then you tell it which directory to use. In this case, we're using "mystuff". There are many other options to tar and ways of using it, but these will help you get started. Alright, so now that you've unpacked your source code, you're ready to configure and build your program. In most cases, you can simply type the following commands: ./configure <-- runs a configure script that prepares for the build make <-- compiles the program make install <-- This step copies the newly compiled binaries to a default location on your system (assuming you didn't specify a different install directory with the configure script) At this point if everything compiled successfully, then you should be able to type the name of the program to run it. Alternatively, you may want to browse to the location of the program and drag the icon to your desktop or toolbar for future use (this, of course, depends on the Windowing environment you use). What I usually do is create a directory called "local" in my home directory, then I tell the configure script to install there instead of the default (usually /usr/local/). Here's how you'd do that: ./configure --prefix=$HOME/local So now when you run make install, you don't have to be root. The entire program is installed under the local directory in your home directory. Also, be sure that $HOME/local/bin (and possibly $HOME/local/sbin) is in your PATH. ~M