Question about running ssh over a masqueraded network: I have a linux box that serves as the "point" machine for my network on which I forward ports with ipchains (2.2 kernel) to to inside amachines which each run sshd. My outside machine currently is not running ssh yet. If the default policy on my input chain is ACCEPT, I can successfully forward non standard ports through to specific machines an establish ssh sessions on them with no problems. If I default the input chain to DENY, as is done in endoshield script, The connections time out and I cannot connect. In both cases, I forward the same ports. Bottom line, If I use endoshield and add on the ipfwadm commands to forward the ports mentioned above, connections time out; If I do not use endoshield but use a simpler script that basically leaves the input chain wide open, I can establish the ssh sessions - no problem. Any ideas out there, dispite this confusing message?