I'm having some problems configuring coyote linux to do NAT. I've been running a web server on Mandrake 8.1 and also had that same machine using iptables to share a connection with a Win2k computer. Now, I set up coyote linux to run off a 3rd computer and want my linux web server and Win2k boxes behind it. Everything seems to be working fine except accessing the web server. From both computers, I can access my web page by entering (linux IP). But, when I type in my external IP given box cox, I am unable to get it to forward port 80 to the computer. I've been following directions on http://www.dalantech.com/coyote-faq.shtml#portforward I added this line to my rc.firewall /sbin/ipmasqadm portfw -a -P tcp -L x.x.x.x 80 -R 80 x being the IP assigned by dhcp/cox. I also tried this and it didn't seem to work either. /sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -r tcp 80 80 -h Can someone help me out in what I'm doing wrong? Thanks, Virgil