Folks, Thanks much for the recommendations on a Linux distro to bring my dual-processor Intel system "up from Windows". I have always suspected that Windows NT was not making full use of the two processors. I ended up installing SuSE 8.0, if for no other reason that stores carry it all over town, next to Red Hat, while nobody has Debian. There must be a reason why the market is demanding it. The Pro edition comes with six discs of applications. The last time I installed a Linux was Red Hat 6.1 several years ago on an old 486. I ran that machine purely as a firewall in my three-PC office. It served me well, but was destroyed in a flood last year. Only now am I dedicating a new machine to Linux once again. SuSE installed with far less trouble than the old RH had done. The interface looked as professional as a Windows install. The autoprobe found every component on my system except for the serial mouse. Midway through the install, there was a point where SuSE displays the autoprobe results and allowed me to specify the mouse as being on the first serial port (using keyboard only, of course). It set up X as the default interface, and had no trouble configuring the AGP video. X looks really good now; this time, I'm not going to automatically ditch it in favor of the command line. Alan Gore