>> It's not a screenshot of someone logged in that I >> need. It's a screenshot of the gdm login screen, >> where you select your session type and language >> (if you want), and type in your login name and >> password. >> And this is as it ought to be. Am I missing some >> subtle thing I never knew about in your >> suggestion? Derek> Yes, I did misunderstand, now the question is Derek> do I continue to help give you the right Derek> answer or walk away and let you sink because Derek> your response was so condescending? Oh dear. Well Derek, I operate on the assumption that if someone finds something wrong with what I say, regardless of my intent, then it's my fault, so I sincerely apologize for conveying that impression to you. Trust me, I'm the prototypical Mr. Niceguy. Derek> (I will go Derek> on the presumption you are just frustrated and Derek> possibly even trying to be funny) FWIW, neither humor nor flippancy nor ever crossed my mind, nor do I even see where you derive that impression. No matter. I was entirely serious, and merely seeking understanding. There are many mysteries in the world of computing, and regardless of having worked with this stuff for so many years, I learn new, *basic* and obvious things every day of my life. So when I don't understand something I assume that it's because I'm a moron or missing some significant piece of information, like "Maybe this guy knows something about how to run two X processes to the same tube at once that I never realized?" Derek> In gdm.conf, in the [Greeter] section there is Derek> a value BackgroundProgram=, you can put in a Derek> program to do screenshots or a script here. Derek> Say /usr/bin/X11/gimp or such. You can edit Derek> the file manually or do so via a GUI if you Derek> have configured to do so. Derek> I created some samples: Derek> http://gnuenterprise.org/~dneighbo/screenshots/login.png Derek> http://gnuenterprise.org/~dneighbo/screenshots/configuration.png This is very interesting and useful. I'll have to try it tomorrow on my work system (where I'm doing this project), and will try to digest what it is that's going on. This is one of those Eureka! experiences ... I had no idea you could do that. Thanks for teaching me something. Now I'll go off and learn it right. Derek> If I have again misunderstood I apologize. You have. Apology accepted. Please accept mine for conveying the misunderstanding in the first place. -- Lynn David Newton Phoenix, AZ