moin, moin, OK, we've got a lot of different options available for doing mail and calendaring together ( still not necessarily a good idea ) at this point. We've got the newly released Ximean Connector,, which allows Evolution to use eXpunge for calendaring as well as for email. Does it work other server products? What about Evolution in general? Bynari has their InsightConnector,, which allows LookOut to use *NIX servers for services. This would be killer if Evolution and other *NIX mail/calendar client combos could also use the same mail/calendar/LDAP services. There's also Prochange,, which is proposed to be a replacement for eXpunge, though it mentions Lotus Notes. Bynari also has an eXpunge replacement, InsightServer, I've seen phpgroupware,, do some good stuff, but don't know about it becoming the server side for non-web clients. Star/Open Office can also serve as mail/calendar client. How does it work as a replacement for monopolyware? Can it work with a calendar server? Actually, Open Office might not have the calendaring if I remember correctly. Not all of the above are Free Software :(, but it's a start to break the monopoly. Anyone use any of these as LookOut/eXpunge replacements? ciao, der.hans -- # # It's up to the reader to make the book interesting. # An author has only the opportunity to make it uninteresting. - der.hans