Am 21. Apr, 2002 schwätzte Support so: > Any sed gurus on the list? I use it often in a class I am taking but I > am stuck on this one and have had no luck with the docs I have found. > What I need to do is append 'z=z+' to the beginning of every line in a > file. > > The file looks like this: > > 1234960 > 1456780 > 3456567 > 5476865 > 456098 > > thats it 1 simple column! Maybe I need some sleep it is 1 am here in > Germany. > > Thanks for any help! > (I know you are out there der hans) :) Sorry, my Net connection was down for the weekend :(. 116 pieces of mail for PLUG-discuss waiting for me this afternoon, though. perl -p -e 's/(.*)/z=z+$1/' resolv.conf # ;-) Why use a good tool like sed when you have the Swiss-Army-Club at your disposal? :) You already got good sed answers, though. perl -pi.bak -e 's/(.*)/z=z+$1/' fileName The second one saves the orig file to fileName.bak and puts the new data in fileName. Anyone want to demo how to do this in the other p languages? PHP? Python? Prolog? :) Command line versions only, please :). ciao, der.hans -- # # Perl is the answer, you just don't want to know the question... - der.hans