Hey Everyone, I have been working for some time on two Free Software projects: GCGI and cgiPop. GCGI is a cgi library for C programs and cgiPop is a web-based POP email reader that uses GCGI. The projects have progressed quite well and are nearing 1.0 releases. Recently, I have gotten bug reports from people who have had difficulty building these projects on FreeBSD and Solaris boxen. Before going 1.0, I would like to be able to build these programs on all UNIX-like systems. Would anyone on the list be willing to give me a shell accont on a *BSD system that I could use to sort out the system-dependency differences and get my projects to compile on them? I would not be installing anything, just getting the projects to compile and in the process getting the configure scripts to work right for those platforms. Thanks in advance for anyone that can help. If you are interested in the projects, you can find them here: http://catchen.org/gcgi/ http://catchen.org/cgiPop/ julian -- mail : julian @ catchen.org | ( topeka ) www : http://catchen.org/topeka/ | phx, az sent : Wed Mar 27, 2002 03:06PM MST |