Okay despite the fact that iptables didn't show up when I did lsmod (I guess I forgot netfilter was part of the *kernal*). It looks like iptables does install on RH 7.2 So I thought well instead of rewritting all my ipchains right now maybe I can just add a iptable rule to my firewall script (if this is vastly wrong please let me know). So here is my attempt iptables -A PREROUTING -t nat -p tcp -d $IPADDR --dport $WEB_PORT \ -j DNAT --to-destination $WEBSERVER but when I try to run my script I get this iptables v1.2.3: Unknown arg `--to' my man page of iptables says that --to-destination is a valid arg though. So any thoughts?? Thanks in advance, Carl P.