Pardon the crass solicitation but this just may help the both of us. Last week I received delivery of 4 new NEC Zip100 drives from NewEgg. I ordered them for 3 Iwill KK266 mobos and 1 Soyo Dragon Plus. Now I find out the hard way that they just don't run on my VIA motherboards. Yes, I went to the VIA site and followed the suggestions for IDE -> Zip drives. Three days later, enough is enough. They work just fine on an old Pentium Pro box I have. I can return them to NewEgg but they have a restocking fee and then there's the shipping fee and the time waiting for this to happen. Meanwhile, I still need to order something else to be able to sneakernet an occasional file between these boxes. Any suggestions? If you want any I'm only asking what I paid $36 each. No tax, no shipping. I have proof of purchase and a packing list dated this month. Once again I apologize for using this forum for this purpose but this is (hopefully) a one time thing.