Others have stated this already, but here it is in one email: If what you are looking for is strictly a firewall (something to block/filter incoming and outgoing traffic), you should look for something that does only that. Adding other things to this "firewall" - no matter how convienent they may be - is just asking for trouble. Ever wonder why the big vendors don't sell firewall products that are also the company mail/web/file server? They aren't stupid. Now, the above rant aside...most home users want more functionality from their firewall device than just packet filtering. I use mine for web, email, samba etc. It's a dual 133 with a few nics in it - total cost including hub was $40.00US. I put redhat7.2 on it, cleaned up the rc3.d directory, set up a simple iptables ruleset. Instant firewall, albeit not very secure. I also don't run anything behind it besides my home machines..and everything there is easy to recover. Windows has some alternatives as well that I have seen used with a fair amount of success: wingate - www.wingate.net internet gate - www.maccasoft.com/igate/ And there are more, though most seem to work around via being a proxy or transperant proxy. I believe that e-smith does this as well - transparently proxies everything through squid. Anyways - good luck. -dallas