Am 07. Mar, 2002 schwätzte Mike so: > I'm looking to find some type of broadband for my COO. > He lives probably 15 miles north of Bell off off Scottsdale > Rd. (TeraVita). Cox is not there yet. He says DSL is unavailable > (called Qwest); does anyone know of something reasonable up there? Speed Choice, now known as Sprint Broadband, reaches to 7 miles north of Bell, but they're not doing new installs. RNi is in the Scottsdale Airpark, but I doubt they can go 20 miles from that setup. There was somebody running ISP services out of his garage in Carefree. He might've been doing wireless. It was a community ISP of some sort. I don't remmeber any details. He should be able to get isdn and the non-upgradable DSL ( iDSL? ). If he's got access to the south face of a mountain, he could setup a wireless link to someone in town... ciao, der.hans -- # # Help Jerry Lewis stamp out M$...oops that's MDA - der.hans