The first meeting of the CTO Roundtable was held on February 26th, 2002. By all accounts, it was a resounding success! We had a significant array of executive expertise including networking, software, hardware, Internet, finance, international operations, engineering, and Fortune 500 management. The group's backgrounds ranged from startups to companies such as APS, WinStar, Compaq, and Sprint - and everything in between. All in attendance agreed that the group held enormous potential and would be valuable. Thus, the group is now called Technology Officers' Association (TecOA) and will hold monthly meetings. TecOA is a free group open to technology leaders (CTO, CIO, VP, etc...) from all industries. The group's goal is to provide a forum for technology leaders to get together and discuss important or interesting issues facing the unique role of a technology executive in business. TecOA meetings are specifically designed to provide professional and personal value to attendees. To assist in this task, each meeting not only has a topic, but also a *deliverable*. This way, members will actually leave every meeting with both the knowledge and information provided, and also a tangible and useful result. Meetings are always held on the last Wednesday of every month at 4:00 PM. If you are interested in this group, please subscribe to our discussion list and mark your calendar for our March meeting. Information is available at Who: TecOA - What: March Meeting Information When: March 27, 2002 - 4:00 PM Where: Gold Bar Espresso Coffee Shop - In the "Bank Vault" Room South-West Corner of Southern and McClintock in Tempe Easy access via 60 or 101. Topic: How to articulate the business value of an organization's technology leader to the company's non-technology executives. Deliverable: Elevator-pitch about how a technology leader can add a significant positive impact to any company. -- ~Jay