Trent Shipley wrote: > > Since we do software (Virtual Robot) Wars? na... unless you do full rendering like Gerasic Park, Toy Story, etc... > Or better, none of this wimpy ROV stuff. Lets have *real* robot wars. exactly! > My AI running on the OS and hardware of my choice can beat your AI. like the car that drove around Itally powered by a Linux box? I would still like to get ahold of the software and try it out myself ;-) > -- Classes are by $ spent. (Eg. [$0-500], ($500-1500], etc.) and another by weight. I do like the weight classes. > -- All participating robots must run on their own intelligence and on their > own or wireless energy. For tournement purposes the energy supply is > considered part of the robot whether internal or wireless. no own only. You can use gas, battary, or wind, but must be self contained. > -- Human or animal riders are *not* allowed. The robot must rely on > artificial intelligence. agreed. > > [ [ > *OBVIOUSLY* the lower weight classes will be dominated by the free OSes > running on obsolete hardware. (Intel 80286 running FreeDOS. It can go > forward and backup in a circle. It weighs 1000 lbs and accelerates rapidly > since almost all the mass is the old Datsun engine. > Our game strategy is to literally *crush* the competition. > ] ] > > -- Maiming attendants, participants, or judges costs an offending robot one > level in ranking for the event. > > -- Maiming spectators or killing attendandants, participants, or judges > disqualifies an offending robot from the match. > > -- Killing spectators disqualifies an offending robot for the season. > > -- Running out of bounds costs a rank. > > -- Running out of bounds and out of control costs a match. > > -- Running out of bounds and into any native foliage or wildlife costs two > matches. but seriously, it needs a kill switch. > Plus who needs those _wussy_ indoor arenas. Let's run our stuff in a > demolition derby ring laid out in the desert. For starters... then I think we need to also have other types of competition... Areal dogfight, water-wars, and sub-teranian seek and destroy ;-) EBo --