Hello from a lurker to the mailing list, Well it has been about 6 mos now and I am no closer to a solution for ioctl errors. I believe this type of error must be rare because there are not many write ups on this error and hardly anyone replies to questions about it. About the only response I have ever received was someone here once said that the error may be caused by hardware problems. That seemed viable because at the time I had a hard drive that was slowly dying (the drive media was slowly degrading). Well I have a nice new 100 gig drive now and wham. I got the error again the other day. Here is what happened. I added the emu10k1 modules into the kernel for sound on my SB-PCI512 card. When I did this I also edited /etc/rc.modules to load the modules at system startup. I also removed SLIP from the load list because I don't use any SLIP connections, just PPP. Everything looked good to this point so I rebooted to see how everything would work. No errors occurred so I logged on and ran dmesg to be sure. Everything looked good still. So I logged in as SU and tried to run pppd. That is where the IOCTL error pops up. It looks like the kernel doesn't see that PPP is compiled in. The only thing I could think of is that SLIP is somehow tied to the PPP modules. So I went into /etc/rc.modules and added SLIP back in. Rebooted and tried pppd. Same thing, IOCTL error. At this point I tried to load up the original unchanged kernel and /etc/rc.modules file (yeah I kept them around just in case.) I rebooted and tried to run pppd again. Same problem. So I dropped into the kernel menu and checked to make sure PPP and SLIP were in there. They were. I ran lsmod and the modules looked like they were running. I even tried rmmod and then tried to reinstall the PPP and SLIP modules. Still no dice. At this point I ran depmod and a whole bunch of stuff was broken. My patience was wearing thin and since this was a clean install I just went ahead and reinstalled Linux again. That fixed the error. I pulled up the emu10k1 modules ok and they load and run just fine with ppp now. The only difference is that this time I didn't dork with SLIP. Does anyone have a idea as to the cause of this error and how to fix it? Also any ideas on how to approach making backups to my HP CD-Writer or just writing to it in general? It reads disks just fine but I would like to be able to burn some cd's. Thanks, Craig S.