I would say that Cox did the right thing several months ago by blocking port 80. It stopped a S**tload of code red and nimda infected systems from infecting the whole of cox's network. Jeffrey Pyne wrote: > > There are a few ways to do this. Here's what I do (well, here's what I do > when those f***ers at Cox see fit to have my connection up). I run Apache > on port 80 on my internal web server. I used to have my firewall redirect > incoming requests for port 80 on my public IP address to port 80 on my > internal "private" IP address. But then, several months ago, Cox started > blocking inbound requests on port 80 for my segment. So I changed my > firewall a bit. It now redirects inbound port 8192 (or some random port I > picked-- I would check if those f***ers at Cox would see fit to have my > connection up) to port 80 on my web server. OpenBSD's firewalling allows > you to do this. I don't know if you can do that with a Linux firewall or > one of those LinkSys routers. > > To get around the DHCP thing, I use Zone Edit (www.zoneedit.com) to host my > DNS, which is free. I set up a URL forward at Zone Edit (which can handle > forwarding to different ports). So, for example, you can have > http://www.yourdomain.com get "forwarded" to > http://zippy.yourdomain.com:8192. You can even set it up so that it does > this "transparently" (i.e. the URL in your browser never changes). Then, as > the last piece of the puzzle, you just need to dynamically update DNS for > zippy.yourdomain.com. You can run a command like this in cron every so > often: > > wget -O - --http-user=username --http-passwd=password > 'http://dynamic.zoneedit.com/auth/dynamic.html?host=zippy.yourdomain.com' > > which dynamically updates zippy.yourdomain.com in Zone Edit's DNS to > whatever IP address originated the connection to the URL in that wget > command. > > So www.yourdomain.com would get translated to zippy.yourdomain.com:8192 by > the URL forward, which would get translated to :8192 by > Dynamic DNS, which would get translated to by your > firewall. Whew! > > There are probably other ways to do this, but this is what I do and it works > well for me (when those f***ers at Cox see fit to have my connection up, > that is). > > Did I mention that my Cox connection has been down for the last day+ ? > > HTH, > > ~Jeff > > On Wednesday, January 23, 2002 Mark Phillips wrote: > > > I am hoping you can help me with a small problem with my Cox service. > > > > I have a web server behind my firewall and I used to be able to access it > > because I had a fixed IP. I switched over to the new Cox service, and Cox > is > > changing my IP address. Is there anyway to get to my web server through my > > firewall on a consistent basis? I use the server for projects and need to > > access it from the road. I am not a networking expert, so I am not sure > how > > to do this. > > > > I can't use the web pages provided by Cox because I have servlets running > > with JSP, EJB, etc. on the server. > > > > Thanks! > > > > Mark Phillips > ________________________________________________ > See http://PLUG.phoenix.az.us/navigator-mail.shtml if your mail doesn't post to the list quickly and you use Netscape to write mail. > > PLUG-discuss mailing list - PLUG-discuss@lists.plug.phoenix.az.us > http://lists.PLUG.phoenix.az.us/mailman/listinfo/plug-discuss