Here is another probably simple question to chew on. Somewhere there is an environment variable LS_COLORS is set that can be finely tuned to make a fancy-schmancy terminal window output display with lots of neat colors. Generally I like this feature. However, I'm trying to do some work where I have to provide some screen shots of a simple 80x24 terminal with "$ " prompt, and all I want is plain black and white. I can't figure out where this variable is set or how to turn it off. (It's *not* just a matter of saying unset LS_COLORS or LS_COLORS="") I did discover in the ls(1) man page that --color=never will do it, but I'd rather avoid that. Also alias ls="ls --color=never" works. But there's gotta be a better way. Does someone know? -- Lynn David Newton Phoenix, AZ