Tom Achtenberg wrote: > > Armand, Your message is EXACTLY the kind of flaming CRAP that does not > belong on any list. I use Outlook because I have not found a Linux email > client as good that can authenticate to the smtp server before sending. I > would prefer K-mail but it does not have the ability. As for email > accounts, why don't you get your own domain? > ----- 1. Netscape can authenticate with smtp servers. Sylpheed can authenticate with smtp servers. 2. I happen to agree with Armand on everything he said but I was trying to make nice by not saying it. Outlook supports user profiles. There's no reason for him to post up as 'Nancy' and I for one intend on calling him Nancy every time I reply to one of his emails that comes from that profile. Personally I fail to see the distinction about flaming crap when he is just responding to Nancy's flame about RedHat - the language of which was so befuddled for anyone that speaks the American version of the English language that it was unclear what his gripe was...only clear that he was flaming RedHat for some perceived transgression. I might agree with you about not finding a mail client as good as Outlook but I find I am learning to live with whatever linux ofers to not just talk the talk but to actually walk the walk. Craig