Gontran wrote: > > * Chuck Collins (cstude1@home.com) wrote: > > I have Cox cable that is not on a windows network. I have Irix 6.5.14 > > machines coming through a BSD firewall. Cox does not support this OS. How do > > I do it manually? ChangingBSD to dchp from static takes me of line. Is there > > a FAQ on Cox cable site for ##ix systems. > > Really, no. It's an unuspported OS, and more strictly, utilizing "Cox > Services" (heh) for more than one machine at a time (heh heh heh) is prohibited > along with IP Translation ... ie, no IP Masq. Just finished reading the > cox.net terms of service. So this email never happened, and you're using > Win95. > ---- 1. They cannot know that more than one machine is using a connection. 2. Gee - they must have realized that the internet connection devices are selling. 3. That specific TOS is self serving and not fair or relevant and will certainly be unenforceable since they sell one connection to the house for as many tv's that you want to hook up on the same invoice - that dog don't hunt. 4. No one in their right mind is using Win95 any more. At least not and trying to use a high speed internet connection. 5. 4 hour leases... ;-) Right now, my Sprint Broadband is looking pretty good. Craig